D&D: Phandelver and Below - The Shattered Obelisk Alternate Cover
D&D: Phandelver and Below - Shattered Obelisk
D&D: The Practically Complete Guide to Dragons
D&D: Bigby Presents - Glory of Giants Alternate Cover
D&D: Bigby Presents - Glory of Giants
D&D: Tyranny of Dragons
D&D: Keys From the Golden Vault Alternate Cover
D&D: Dragonlance - Shadow of the Dragon Queen
D&D: Spelljammer - Adventures in Space
D&D: Spelljammer - Adventures in Space Alternate Cover
D&D: Journeys Through the Radiant Citadel Alternate Cover
D&D: Critical Role - Call of the Netherdeep
D&D: Elemental Evil - Princes of the Apocalypse