(Rental) Murder of Crows
Undecided? Crowded game library? Have guests to entertain? Our wizards can help you solve all these problems with our game rental program!
For a fraction of the purchase cost, you can take our demo titles home for a test drive. Enjoy it with your friends and loved ones: if you really like it, we'll credit your first day's rental fee towards the purchase of a brand new copy from our shop!*
The crows saw it all. Who died who did it where it happened even how it was done. Your job is to use the cards in your hand to piece together the facts and reveal the dastardly deed spell murder and you’ve won. But beware your opponents’ goal is the same; steal their cards counter their actions or throw their investigation into disarray with a wild crow before they do it to you. At any moment a well-played card can shift the balance and seal someone s fate.