Andromeda's Edge: Exotic Matter

Andromeda's Edge: Exotic Matter

Lucky Duck Games

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Exotic Matter is promotional pack for Andromeda’s Edge that includes rarer items of the cosmos discovered on the Cardboard Alchemy Gamefound crowdunding campaign, namely the playable factions Astrodrakus, Drakanaran Flamekeepers and Wolfguardian Howlers, bonus raider cards and standees of the Hive, Hornets and Ancient Brain and a the bonus module pack featuring 48 new engine building cards in Metamorphosis, Unstable and Explosive varieties. Astrodrakus and Drakanaran Flamekeeper factions are illustrated by guest artist Sandara Tang.

Behold, Andromeda’s Edge: A dazzling, uncharted region of space on the edge of the Andromeda Galaxy. Littered with the modular debris of the precursor civilization, patrolled by malicious extragalactic raiders, and bordered by dense nebulae, The Edge is a last resort for the brave and foolhardy who seek a new life beyond the oppressive reach of the Lords of Unity.