Fallout: Wasteland Warfare - NCR - Ranger Patrol
In the baking deserts of the Mojave Wasteland only the strong survive. From the east come the hordes of Caesar’s Legion, from the west the hegemonic NCR spread their version of law and order. The sparkling prize of New Vegas lays in the middle, with only the Hoover Dam in the way.
Intelligence, grit, and high-powered weaponry will win the day, and the NCR Rangers bring all three to the fight. Mask set, duster fluttering in the wind, they stand ready to defend their borders and the glittering jewel of pre-war Nevada.
Rangers are the elite troops of the NCR. Mixing snipers with line troopers and veterans, they are one of the most effective tools in the NCR arsenal, capable fighters able to hold their own. They also provide scouts and recon for some of the more dangerous missions that the fighting force undertakes, venturing deep behind enemy lines.
The cards for this set are included in the New Vegas Rules Expansion