Rook & Raven: The Campaign Atlas - Square Grid

The Rook and The Raven

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Take your battle maps to the next level with this 14" x 11" discbound atlas. Whether you use a single 14" x 11" sheet, open the atlas to a 22" x 14" spread, or pop the pages off the binding discs to fill your table, once the battle's over, everything snaps back in between the covers, safe and sound for next time.

Dual-Scale Pages

All of these Atlas sheets are dual-scale. The standard 1" main grid is perfect for using minis, or for games that measure range or distance in inches.

If your sprawling battlefield or asteroid belt needs a little more room to breathe, however, dashed subdivision lines are provided as well, giving you either 2,500 1/4" squares of area on each sheet.