- Character Sheets (x5)
Track your characteristics, max sanity, luck, and magic points, skills, commonly used weapons, and more - Character Background Sheets (x3)
Who were you before you became an investigator? Jot down your backstory so it’s always close at hand. Add a sketch or portrait, as well as details about your physical appearance, ideology/beliefs, meaningful locations, phobias, and more - Quick Reference Sheet (x1)
Keep your Half/Fifth table at your fingertips along with other useful reminders - Wet-Erase Plastic Overlays (x2)
Placed over the character spread, these overlays enable you to use wet-erase markers to track your current sanity, luck, magic points, hit points, cash, and anything else that tends to change frequently or temporarily

Rook & Raven: The Investigator's Kit - Call of Cthulhu
The Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition system kit includes 5 Character Sheets, 3 Character Background sheets, a Quick Reference chart, and a pair of wet-erase overlays.