Traveller RPG: Deepnight Revelation 3 - The Crossing
The third expansion of the epic Deepnight Revelation campaign.
The Great Rift
Deepnight Revelation must find a way across the Great Rift, or backtrack hundreds of parsecs. There is a way; a chain of isolated star systems and deep space refuelling points, but it is hazardous in the extreme. The Travellers have good reason to believe the crossing is possible – another expedition passed this way before them.
Those Who Went Before
As the Travellers make their crossing they come upon an extremely rare phenomenon – a frozen star, its temperature so low that it has a solid crust of exotic materials. On the surface is an obviously artificial object – someone landed here and built a structure! If the Travellers dare to follow they will learn more about the expedition that preceded them.
Crisis Point
Weary and dispirited, the crew are beginning to doubt they can complete the mission. With disaffection rife and factions forming among the crew, the Travellers must decide whether to abort the crossing – perhaps even the whole mission – or rally their crew for a leap into the unknown.
The Crossing. Reaching the point of no return.