Warcry: Agents of Chaos
Agents of Chaos is the essential guide to commanding the forces of Grand Alliance: Chaos in games of Warcry. Nineteen warbands are detailed in full, from festering Maggotkin of Nurgle to vicious skaven. You’ll find loads of new fighter cards, background tables, Fated Quests, and Challenge Battles – in short, everything you need to play the forces of Chaos in full campaigns.
Inside, you’ll find:
A copy of the Warcry Core Book is required to make full use of the contents of this expansion.
Inside, you’ll find:
- Full rules for the following warbands: Beasts of Chaos, Blades of Khorne: Daemons, Blades of Khorne: Bloodbound, Disciples of Tzeentch: Daemons, Disciples of Tzeentch: Arcanites, Maggotkin of Nurgle: Daemons, Maggotkin of Nurgle: Rotbringers, Hedonites of Slaanesh: Daemons, Hedonites of Slaanesh: Sybarites, Skaven, Slaves to Darkness, Iron Golem, Untamed Beasts, Corvus Cabal, Cypher Lords, The Unmade, Splintered Fang, Scions of the Flame, and Spire Tyrants.
- Fighter cards for nearly every model available to the Grand Alliance: Chaos ranges.
- Rules for three Chaos Allies: Fomoroid Crushers, Ogroid Myrmidons, and Mindstealer Sphiranxes.
- New rules for warbands with mixed Faction Runemarks under the same Grand Alliance and more than one Leader.
- Refined rules to include Monsters in your warband, as well as new abilities to use against them!
- Tables for warrior names, warband origins, and leader backgrounds.
- 4 Chaos Fated Quests, including Spoils of Victory tables for both Honour and Glory.
- 6 Chaos Challenge Battles, including special rules and valuable Spoils.
A copy of the Warcry Core Book is required to make full use of the contents of this expansion.