The Hobbit: The Lords of Erebor: Thror, The Last King Under The Mountain & Thrain
The Hobbit: The Champions of Erebor
The Hobbit: Riddles in the Dark
The Hobbit: Radagast the Brown
The Hobbit: Palace Guards
The Hobbit: Mirkwood Rangers
The Hobbit: Mirkwood Elf Captains
The Hobbit: Mirkwood Armoured Elf Cavalry
The Hobbit: Legolas Greenleaf & Tauriel Mirkwood Hunters
The Hobbit: Legolas Greenleaf & Tauriel
The Hobbit: Lake-town Militia Warband
The Hobbit: Lake-town Guard Warband
The Hobbit: Knights of Rivendell
The Hobbit: Grim Hammers
The Hobbit: Girion, Lord of Dale
The Hobbit: Beorn & Bear
The Hobbit: Bard, Hero of Laketown
The Hobbit: Bard the Bowman on Foot & Mounted
The Lord of the Rings - Winged Nazgûl
The Lord of the Rings - Watchers of Kârna
The Lord of the Rings - Wild Wargs
The Lord of the Rings - Wild Warg Chieftain
The Lord of the Rings - Wildmen of Dunland
The Lord of the Rings - Warg Riders
The Lord of the Rings - War Mûmak Of Harad
The Lord of the Rings - Uruk-hai with Crossbows
The Lord of the Rings - Uruk-hai Warriors
The Lord of the Rings - Uruk-hai Siege Troops
The Lord of the Rings - Uruk-hai Siege Assault Ballista
The Lord of the Rings - Uruk-hai Scouts
The Lord of the Rings - Uruk-hai Scout Command Pack
The Lord of the Rings - Uruk-hai Berserkers