The Lord of the Rings - Men-at-Arms of Dol Amroth
The Lord of the Rings - Morannon Orc Commanders
The Lord of the Rings - Morannon Orcs
The Lord of the Rings - Mordor Orc Commanders
The Lord of the Rings - Mordor Orcs
The Lord of the Rings - Mordor Siege Bow
The Lord of the Rings - Mordor Troll
The Lord of the Rings - Mordor Troll Chieftain
The Lord of the Rings - Mordor Uruk-hai
The Lord of the Rings - Mordor War Catapult
The Lord of the Rings - Morgul Knights
The Lord of the Rings - Moria Goblin Commanders
The Lord of the Rings - Moria Goblins
The Lord of the Rings - Mounted Rohan Command
The Lord of the Rings - Mûmak Mahûd
The Lord of the Rings - Nazgûl
The Lord of the Rings - NĂșmenĂłrean Bowmen
The Lord of the Rings - Orc Shaman on Warg
The Lord of the Rings - Orc Trackers
The Lord of the Rings - Osgiliath - Ruined City of Gondor
The Lord of the Rings - Osgiliath Veterans
The Lord of the Rings - Prince Imrahil of Dol Amroth Foot and Mounted
The Lord of the Rings - Ranger Captains: Faramir, Madril & Damrod
The Lord of the Rings - Rangers of Middle-earth
The Lord of the Rings - Rangers of the North
The Lord of the Rings - Rider of the Dead
The Lord of the Rings - Riders of Rohan
The Lord of the Rings - Ringwraiths of Angmar
The Lord of the Rings - Ringwraiths of the Fallen Realms
The Lord of the Rings - Ringwraiths of the Lost Kingdoms
The Lord of the Rings - Rivendell Dice Set
The Lord of the Rings - Rohan Commanders